Anda dapat menambahkan email balasan secara automatis / autoresponder disaat sedang pergi, berlibur atau sedang dalam kondisi tidak bisa menerima email dalam waktu tertentu.

Theme X3

Menambah Autoresponder

  1. Log in to your Webmail interface at http://domainanda.tld/webmail
  2. Scroll to Autoresponder Options at the bottom of the interface.
  3. Click Add Autoresponder.
  4. Enter your name in the From text box.
  5. Enter the subject that displays to the recipient in the Subject text box.
  6. Select the character set to send the email in from the options in the text box.
  7. If you wish for the email to display HTML code in web form, select the HTML checkbox.
  8. Enter the interval, in hours, for the auto responder to wait between responses to the same email address.
  9. Provide a body for your message, for example:
           “I am out of the office until July 2nd. You can reach me on my mobile in case of emergencies.”
  10. Select a start time.
  11. Select a stop time.
  12. Click Create/Modify to save the auto responder.

Menghapus Autoresponder:

  1. Click Delete next to the auto responder that you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete Autoresponder.


Theme Paper Latern

  1. Log in to your Webmail interface at http://domainanda.tld/webmail
  2. From the user@domainanda.tld menu at the top right corner of the interface, select Autoresponders.
  3. Click Add Autoresponder.
  4. Choose the character set in which to send the email from the options in the Character Set text box.
  5. Enter the interval, in hours, for the autoresponder to wait between responses to the same email address.
  6. Enter your name in the From text box.
  7. Enter the message’s subject in the Subject text box.
  8. If you wish for the email to display HTML code, select the HTML checkbox.
  9. Provide a body for your message, for example:
           “I am out of the office until July 2nd. You can reach me on my mobile in case of emergencies.”
  10. Select a start time.
  11. Select a stop time.
  12. Click Create/Modify to save the auto responder.

Menghapus Autoresponder:

  1. Click Delete next to the auto responder that you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete Autoresponder.

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